
Tax Changes in the Budget: Sour news for Buy-to-Let Lenders

Buy-to-Let landlords throughout the UK have been warned that recent tax changes announced in the July Summer Budget could significantly reduce their post-tax income. It has been decided that from 2017, mortgage interest relief on rental properties would be reduced...
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It’s Not Just London Reaping High Buy-to-Let Yields

  It has been reported that property investors should turn their attention to Glasgow, Manchester, Birmingham, Sheffield and Liverpool and not to focus solely on properties in London for buy-to-let investment opportunities. This statement is a result of research that...
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Summer Budget 2015: Peer-to-Peer ISA Announced

Announced in the first newly elected Conservative Government’s Summer Budget 2015, the Government have decided that Peer-to-Peer investments will be ISA eligible from the 6th April 2016. Peer-to-Peer investments will be eligible through the creation of a third ISA type;...
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Financial Services Warned Against Using Too Much Jargon

The FCA has warned the Financial Services Sector to ‘stop using jargon’ and over complicated information that often confuses customers. The regulatory body has argued that technical small print filled with complex language is too hard for customers to understand...
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Can The Banks of Today Endure The Next Big Disruption?

It is without doubt that, over the last decade or two, the financial industry has changed both radically and progressively. Gone are the days where your statement was only available during bank opening times. These days, most of the financial...
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Bear in mind

Wellesley Property Bond

  • The Wellesley Property Bond has a fixed rate and duration.
  • The Wellesley Property Bond is an ISA eligible investment, allowing you to earn tax free interest on your investment. Please note, tax allowances and the tax efficient benefit of ISAs could change in the future.

Your capital is at risk and interest payments are not guaranteed. Investment in any Wellesley Property Bonds are not covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). In the event of a loan default or if Wellesley Secured Finance Plc becomes insolvent, you may lose some or all of your investment, including interest payments due. If you are in any doubt about making an investment or do not fully understand the risks, you are strongly recommended to consult an independent professional financial adviser before you subscribe.

Wellesley is the singular name for the following collective of companies, Wellesley Group Limited (09811856), Wellesley & Co Limited (07981279) and Wellesley Finance Plc (08331511). Wellesley Secured Finance Plc was established as a special purpose vehicle for the sole purpose of issuing asset backed securities and is not part of Wellesley Group.

The information contained in this website has been approved as a financial promotion for UK publication by Wellesley & Co Limited (FRN 631197) who is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Wellesley Property Bonds are issued by Wellesley Secured Finance Plc (the Issuer) and is not authorised or regulated by the FCA.

Wellesley & Co Limited and Wellesley Finance Plc are registered in England and Wales and their registered office and trading address is at St Albans House, 57/59 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4QX. The registered address for Wellesley Secured Finance Plc is at 1 Bartholomew Lane, London, EC2N 2AX.


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